Acting Training


What we offer...


Our 60min group weekly classes have no more than 15 students per class to ensure that each student gets the attention that is needed to improve their craft. We at TA-DA! Theatre Arts and Drama Academy offer you the opportunity to make your dreams a reality. Boosting confidence & self-esteem, giving you a step ahead, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in everyday life. We focus on various elements of the acting craft, working with 6 different modules, you can be certain that you will be Stage and TV ready in no time. Our main goal is to get our students the best possible training in the following fields; Theatre Acting, Camera Acting, Radio Training, Voice Acting, Confidence Enhancement, Presenting, Miming, Public Speaking and on request, preparation for related competitions.

What makes us different?


The TA-DA! studio's boasts with an onsite green screen and recording studio. Our course consist of two shows per year. Our Mid-Year Production is designed to teach students about film and camera acting. Each class writes and directs their own short film. The Annual Premier Night is an unforgettable experience. Our Year-End Production is a stage production to teach the A-Z of Theatre. Our course covers all aspects of the  entertainment industry - We get you in contact with leading acting agents, every actor needs an agent to start attending auditions and to ultimately become a working performer.


We have various 1-day workshops, download our Workshop Calendar for more info

Our monthly fees...


R550 once-off registration. (Registration secures your spot).
Monthly flat rate. (One class per week is compulsory).
Group Acting Class R920 (60min, per class).
Individual Acting classes are charged R520 per 30mins
The monthly fee is payable in the beginning of every month, with the months classes to follow.
There is no specific starting date to our course. As soon as you have registered, you will be able to start with your classes. Maximum of 15 students per class.

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