We at TA-DA! Theatre Arts and Drama Academy offer you the opportunity to make your dreams a reality. Boosting confidence & self-esteem, giving you a step ahead, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in everyday life.
What we offer
60min weekly classes specializing in Theatre Acting, Camera Acting, Radio Training, Voice Acting, Confidence Enhancement, Presenting, Miming & Public Speaking. We participate in various competitions.
R920 per month
60min group classes (no more than 3 students per class). Specializing in Vocal Range, Artist Development, Vocal Health, Recordings and finding your unique sound. 30min individual classes can be arranged at an adjusted price
R920 per month
45min weekly group sessions. We offer Tap, Modern & HipHop. Classes are charged per style, with a discounted rate with each additional style. We are AIDT accredit.